The Space Weather Prediction Center’s newly implemented WSA-Enlil model v3.0 consists of WSA-5.4 and Enlil-2.9e.
This upgrade has focused on the WSA model component and represents a major evolution of that model from the original implementation at SWPC (v2.2) in 2011. The aspects of this upgrade which are most impactful to operational forecasting are:
A retuned WSA empirical solar wind velocity relationship yields improved ambient solar wind predictions at L1
The model now leverages zeropoint-corrected GONG photospheric synoptic maps (mrzqs)
The updated Concept of Operations (CONOPS) now supports on-demand execution
In short, this upgrade incorporates an advanced version of the WSA model providing a modernized and more supportable code base, improves the fidelity of ambient solar wind predictions (consequently improving CME arrival time forecasts at Earth), and introduces the foundation for on-demand execution, freeing the operational CONOPS from the traditional 2-hour run schedule. A consequence of this revised CONOPS is the cessation of the traditional bihourly execution of the full WSA-Enlil modeling system for ambient runs (non-CME based). A single daily ambient run will be produced at 00Z. Additionally, bihourly results of the WSA model component will continue to be produced.