The Next Step Space Weather Benchmarks Workshop
is sponsored by NSF and NASA to gather input on how to improve understanding of extreme space weather events. Inputs are solicited from both the space weather research and the operations/user communities. The Space Weather Phase 1 Benchmarks report was released by the White House National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in 2018. It provides estimates of the characteristics of 1-in-100-year and theoretical maximum events for five phenomena: induced geo-electric fields, ionizing radiation, ionospheric disturbances, solar radio bursts, and upper atmosphere expansion. This workshop will: identify new research or data sets that may be used to improve the benchmark values; identify gaps in existing data sets and methodologies that hinder the production of high-confidence benchmark values; and suggest future research activities that may close the identified gaps. The results of this workshop will be incorporated into a public document that may be used to inform future research directions and the process for space weather benchmark refinement. The first day of this workshop, April 23, is open to the broader space weather community. Please RSVP to participate at