An increase in solar wind speeds, combined with an enhanced total magnetic field, provided enough of a disturbance in the geomagnetic field to give us elevated geomagnetic storm levels and an isolated period crossing the G1-Minor storm threshold on 29 December. Enhanced field conditions are expected to linger for the next several hours, into the 30 December timeframe, as a solar high speed wind stream continues to influence the geomagnetic field. However, the enhanced conditions are expected to remain below the G1-minor threshold and begin to subside mid to late day on 30 December. Geomagnetic activity is then expected to return to closer to normal levels for the next few days. Stay tuned here for updates.
G1-minor storm conditions are possible into the first few hours (UTC) of 30 December as solar wind parameters remain elevated. Conditions are still expected to begin waning mid to late on 30 December, decreasing the chances for G1-minor storm levels.
As always, stay tuned here for updates.